Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Aunt Kristín

Spent the day with my aunt Kristín (who lives in Mexico but is visiting Iceland this summer), my mum and my mum's sister-in-law! We went to the National Museum, had lunch and then did some shopping :) Kristin and her son Daniel are leaving on Friday and we hope they will return soonest!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


We have started our classes - first subject is Bordieu's theories about society, power and class. Very interesting theories and good discussions.

School is starting slowly - which is good. Gives me time to reorganize my life a little before drowning my self in papers and exams. Used part of today to clean out the garden shed - sounds like a boring project but it was great fun and so rewarding to have all this space for the bikes and lawn mower. I am being far to positive... must try to find something to nag about soonest!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Yet another great weekend behind me! What a fortunate person I am these days :)

Friday was extra special - being my birthday AND last day of work. My co-workers gave me two tickets to the theatre so I am already looking at the programme for this winter. Lovely lunch care of Atlantik Tours and a nice etching by an artist from Akureyri.

The work day was ended with colourful and very tasty cocktails! Thank you Solveig - you are such a sweetheart!

Lots of "Happy Birthdays" received from friends and family, I was smiling all day.

My kids greeted me with a surprise dinner. Rebekka had cooked lasagne and Eirikur had gotten a DVD for us to watch together. Sandra had made a card with own drawings. Such a lovely surprise.

Weekend was spent at Isolfskali with Dora and family. Very nice, kids oriented weekend with good food and great company. Poor Eirikur suffered a nasty fall in the playground but feeling much better now.

Sunday night was family night with my parents and the extended family at Vesturberg. It was a pot-luck dinner with lot's of conversation and laughter.

And today was my first day of school. Lucky me!!!!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

It's all about me*

* phrase stolen from one of Anna's famous tee shirts!

Well it is my birthday today - AND my last day of work at Atlantik Tours, so yes today is all about me!!!!!

Monday is school and a new beginning :) The future is bright!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More bleh :)

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character: it becomes your destiny.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Schools have started

Eiríkur and Sandra are starting school again today. Eiríkur is going to 6th grade at Vesturbæjarskóli, believe it or not, and Sandra 3rd. They are growing up far to quickly - anyone heard this sentence before ;) Rebekka's school starts on Thursday, Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, second year and I become a schoolgirl on Monday at Kennó! Looking forward to a winter of studies and fun!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bekka is back!

Bekka best is back at Hringbraut. Tired and happy after a great week with her friends in Copenhagen. Good food, shopping, a trip to Sweden, Tivoli - and most likely adventures I will never hear of. It's so good to have her back!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Culture Night

Did not see much culture in town last night - more the savage side of the Human Islandicus. But it was fun hanging out with Dora and her family, met lots of good people and enjoyed listening to the bands. Mezzoforte brought back memories from school as the bandmembers went to my old high school - god I feel old!

Loved hiking on Mt. Esja in the morning, lovely weather and great views in all directions :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Mum at work

Kids watched me paint the fence last night. Tables have turned and now it was my turn to do all the boring bits, the inbetween the fence and underneath after kids had done the fun things.

Will try to finish it tonight - kids have gone to David so at least I don't have to take umpteen breaks to feed kids and dog and cat and... well, myself.

Culture night in Reykjavík tomorrow, could be fun?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Got a new haircut yesterday - well no great changes but I like it a lot.

Then Elisabet visted me after our nice stroll around the Lake Tjörnin (in the town centre) and suddenly my head was filled with new ideas of how to accommodate the need for work space at Hringbraut. Thanks Elisabet!

I really don't want to do my studies at the kitchen table any more but the big problem was the limited space after I moved down stairs. The solution may have been found - now it is more the question of funds and time!!

More later...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Child labour

Got the kids to help me paint the fence last night. I picked them up from my parents house and after a nice dinner there we proceeded to Hringbraut to paint the fence. Kids worked sooooo hard and even became competetive who was quicker with the paint brush. We are half way through the job - fence looks much better... and the drive way is splattered with stains. Oh well, kids will be kids :O)

Monday, August 14, 2006


Just got an sms from Rebekka. She has landed in Copenhagen and the girls were already shopping! Rebekka left the house at 04.20 this morning after only a few hours sleep so I bet she will be tired tonight. But there is always energy for a little shopping :)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Gay Pride and more!

Such a good day yesterday with my children and extended family. I spent most of the day rearranging the furniture in my house - I am trying to create soma calm space for my desk and books. I want to be able to concentrate on my studies ths winter and that means not having to search for everything all the time! Kids are quite happy with the way things are going and I hpe that we will have everything up and running before long.

Gay Pride was good fun. I always like solidarity and seeing the friends and families in the parade is such a good thing.

Spent the evening with my own family - my dad did a great BBQ and everyone turned up for the feast! Kids were so happy to play together and my sister and I enjoyed a long chat with mamma.

Working today. Spent the morning down at the harbour looking after "Discovery" - nice ship with great staff.

Two more weeks at work ...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Gray day

Rainy and dreary today.

I will be taking the kids into town to enjoy the rainbow colours at the Gay Pride tomorrow - that will be fun!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rebekka's trip!

My dearest Rebekka is planning a trip to Copenhagen with her best friends. They will leave on Monday and spend a whole week together in Denmark - and possibly Sweden as well.

We will spend lunchtime running bank errands - making sure that there is enough money to cover all expenses, including a shopping extravaganza!!!!

I'll miss her so much :o(

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Minerva II has left... praise the Lord!

She is a real beauty - but gave me quite a lot of work in different ports of Iceland. All went well in the end despite the rain in Isafjördur and on Heimaey.

Now it is time for me to start tidying up my desk before leaving Atlantik Tours at the end of the month! Soon it will be end of shipping news and over to the academic world!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

On the road... again!

Off to Isafjördur in the afternoon to meet the lovely Minerva II and back on Sunday...

Off to Heimaey on Monday evening (lovely Minerva II again...) and back on Wednesday...

Reykjavík in between!

Rebekka, Birta and Doppa will hold fort and keep the chi flowing at Hringbraut.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Not true...!

I am nerdier than 4% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!