Friday, September 29, 2006


Seven little girls will be coming to Hringbraut in the afternoon to celebrate Sandra's birthday. Can only be fun!

Loud singing was heard in the house at dawn as we marched with candles, cakes and presents to Sandra's bed to wake her up in Hringbraut birthday style! Sandra was over the moon wth all her presents and skipped happily to school in her new clothes.

More reports of the party to follow...! Thank you all for good wishes and lovely presents :)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Only one more day!

Operation "House Cleaning and Party Preparations" will commence in the afternoon. All willing and able hands welcome to join us!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Two days...

Great excitement!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Still counting!

... 3 days to the big day! We will make the invitations today for Sandra to bring to school tomorrow...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ísólfsskáli 2006

The annual Isólfsskáli weekend is now behind us with about 30 people - kids and grown ups - showing up for some laughter and good food. Great fun as could be expected, wonderful company and all kids had fun.

Endless tales and stories can be told of the weekend but it is best to leave them at Reykjanes for another year and relive them at Ísólfsskáli 2007! See ya next year :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006


My mum and I went to the theatre last night to see Gunnlaðarsaga in Hafnarfjördur. We both enjoyed it very much and it was well worth the trouble of searching for the theatre!

Rebekka was left with her afi - she is getting better after being ill for almost a week - and she got pampered like a princess!!!

Today me and small kids are off to Isolfskali for the weekends with a large group of friends. A weekend of pure fun.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

And counting...

Sandra begins every new day by looking at her home made calender - she is counting the days until her birthday.

8 days today until her 8th birthday!

I better start planning the party.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Parent - Teacher Meetings

We went to meet with the teachers at Vesturbæjarskóli yesterday, kids and I. Nice meetings with all teachers and it looks like they are both doing as well as can be expected.

Eiríkur had his first session at a studio where he learnt how movies and cartoons are dubbed. He had a blast trying out for real and is looking forward to the next two classes!

Ice cream and cosy evening at the end of the day! We all went happy to bed - even poor Rebekka who had come home sick from school was feeling a bit better...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Religious Education and Schools

Spent the day looking into religious education and schools. Extremely interesting subject and hard to take a final stanze on this subject at the moment. I will need to read some more!!

Kids just returned back to Hringbraut - they went immediately to their rooms to play, Sandra with her dolls and Eiríkur is checking out his Lego tower. Bedtime soon for everyone!

P.S. Til hamingju með daginn Lovísa mín!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sunshine :)

A walk on Esja, followed by a swim and dinner with my parents.
No studying.

Let's see the weather tomorrow!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Multicultural kids

I am reading so many interesting articles at the moment about culture and identity. How, for example, do kids with parents of different originis define themselves and how does society define them?

My kids have always felt more Icelandic than British, both in Iceland and abroad - except Sandra who felt she was Indonesian when we lived in Jakarta...) but they still feel some connection with England. Now that their grandparents have moved to New Zealand the link has somewhat been broken and they wonder if their roots moved with their grandparents or not? At least they have strong links with New Zealand with their grandparents living there and their only cousing being a New Zealander!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I went late last night to see the new Icelandic movie "Börn" (Children). Quite violent and harsh but the storyline was interesting and I enjoyed it a lot very much as it was food for thought. Not recommended for the faint-hearted!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Not sure about the course I attended today. The teacher forgot most of what she wanted to say, could not answer spontaneous simple questions and was on the whole very nervous. And this is the course that has the highest rates of failing... OMG!

Other parts of the day were good - nice morning studying at home, cycling at lunch time - and plans to see a movie tonight!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Busy Day

- sent kids off to school with snacks and drinks, sports clothes, swimming stuff...
- walked the dog at Grótta
- worked at the Kennó library for two hours
- swam 1000 m at Laugardalur pool
- went to a lecture at school
- picked up Sandra
- shopped for ballet clothes and took Sandra to ballet
- read my school books whilest waiting for Sandra
- did grocery shopping and cooked dinner
- got my dad to help fix the tv - thanks pabbi!
- helped kids with their homework
- worked on the computer
- took the dog out again

and much much more...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday, Sunday ...

One great day after the other. I did not open the computer for three days, but can frankly tell you that the week just got better. I was, however, quite convinced that someone would have me committed after all this abuse of postitive adjectives, but I guess I can just continue enjoying these little multicoloured pills ;)

Thursday was spent on the sofa, reading school books and drinking tea! Friday was much more active with house cleaning, kids visiting, pancake making for them all (total of 7 kids - I really need a second pan!) Þórdís' 9th birthday and then the Tour Gude 20th reunion. I ended up bar hopping until early hours with some German teachers from Akureyri!

Needed a lot of sleep on Saturday but then took Eiríkur to his acting/music school for his list of classes this term and then on to Sandra's ballet school. Dinner with my parents was great and we all enjoyed the lovely food.

Today was also busy. We went to see the play "Ronja Ræningjadóttir" by Astrid Lindgren with Anna's kids and then I invited them to Hringbraut for some ice-cream. Now kids are doing their homework and soon it is time for bed. I will be looking for more adjectives for the week to come - I believe it will be even better than the week that just passed. Believe it or not!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wonderful Wednesday

School was great fun - can't wait to start reading all these interesting books!

House cleaning was not as much fun - but somebody has to do it :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Super Tuesday!

I went cycling this morning by the ocean and met some of my great neighbours :) Did some work at home during the day and then made pancakes for my daughters. More will be made after dinner I am sure. Great to have the kids back!

Glorious Monday :)

Had the morning off to do some chores around the house and then off to school for a very interesting lecture in sociology. A nice swim and a quick hotdog before going home was a good end to the day!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Another weekend has past!!!!

The time is passing at an amazing rate. I feel a hundred years old when I say this but it is true.

Weekend was spent out doors - lovely sunshine, mountains, lava, moss and berries. Also nice meals and good friendship. Couldn't wish for more!