Thursday, February 28, 2008


Wow - tomorrow we get an extra day, great!

Today I went for a long walk with Birta, had a nice coffee with Dora, met with my co-worker Russell and then got Eiríkur to Sönglist. I will most likely fit some more activities in before the day is over... at least I still have to pick up Rebekka and Eiríkur from Kringlan. So far, so good!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Such lovely weather!

Nice sunshiny day! I enjoyed a great walk with good friends and then the kids helped cook a nice evening meal. More walks planned tomorrow...

One more movie!

This time I saw There will be Blood. I enjoyed Daniel Day-Lewis' acting but the movie as such did not catch my attention...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yet Another Weekend...

A lovely meal with Bjössi and friends on Friday night. He really makes sure that we eat enough fish and veggies!

A great party on Saturday night! This picture was taken that evening and you can see that I could not stop smiling hehe

A super 11th birthday party on Sunday - congratulations Lilja and family!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A hole in my wall....

Takk Stefán!

My friend Stefán came to visit on Thursday night with his boys... and left the house with a hole in the wall :) There are plans to make a bedroom for Rebekka downstairs (change the study) and this is a giant step towards realizing this plan. Now we need a door to fill up this hole, backing for my bookshelves to block the old entrance to the room - and the room is fit for painting and decorating. Exciting!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

And you Sissa?!

div align='center'>Which Friends Character Are You?

More on Friends. Created by BuddyTV

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The days fly by...

Ballet and drama classes for kids, another hike on Esja for mum, and parent/teacher interviews for everyone. Now the weekend is approaching rapidly...

Monday, February 18, 2008


This evening was spent bowling with Stefán, Askur and Breki. Eiríkur was proud to be in third place as he has not played so often. We should do this on a regular basis!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


The weekend walk was on Skálafell, it rained and rained and rained! My new hiking boots were great... but now I know that I need some more gear if I want to keep dry on a day like this!

Day ended with a a dinner at Björg and Steini's house. Always fabulous! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sandra at English School!

Fresh from the press! A picture sent from Sandra's teacher Deepa this afternoon. Lovely kids (Sandra, Hanna, Oscar and Briet) learning Morsecode for fun!

I am grateful for...

My wonderful kids
My amazing parents
My brilliant sister and her family
All my lovely and fun friends
My solid extended family
My good health
Etc, etc, etc!

Sometimes we just need to reflect a little and be grateful for what we have!

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Beautiful Family!

May I introduce you to old friends! This is Renuka and her wonderful boys, Martin and Nicholas. We got to know each other in Tblisi, Georgia in the summer of 1996! We had great fun exploring the city in Renuka's Lada and I can never thank her enough for all her support in that war torn city. And now I am living with my kids in Iceland and she is living with hers in Kampala, Uganda, working for the ICRC. We will meet again, I am sure of that :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Some old pics!

Singing at "óvissuferð" - we did not sound too bad, honestly!

There were some titles handed out ... for some reason I got to be the biggest flirter... I think these were random nominations ;)

The happy photo with my friend Stefán!

Elín and Elín...!

Thx for the photos Daníel!

Green and healthy!

A nice glass of water with Heiða (and a good chat!)...
A healthy lunch with Ólafía at the vegetarian restaurant "Á næstu grösum" ...
A brisk walk with Birta at Öskjuhlíð in the afternoon....
Thinking of having a salad for dinner - or is that too healthy????

Monday, February 11, 2008

... and then came Monday!

Brilliant day!

Staff meetings at school with good discussions and a fine Mexican lunch (not as authentic as you guys are enjoying in Mazatlan!)

Then on to Skautahöllin where we had a skating session with Eiríkur's class. Sandra was there as well and after having a great time there for two hours, with skating and pizza, we went home to Hringbraut.

Rebekka and I headed off to the movies late afternoon and saw P.S.I love you. We had both read the book so we just had to see the movie. Lots of tissues were needed to survive that one but we were not happy with the NY setting as the original story is set in Ireland!

Elísabet came in the evening to have some tea and a nice chat. Tuesday tomorrow... should be good as well :)

Saturday, Sunday....

After Helgafell on Saturday the only right thing to do was to visit Bjössi and his kids for some Icelandic kleinur and coffee. A lot of people accepted his open house invitation and his home made kleinur were delicious.

Dinner with friends in the evening ended at the FH þorrablót in Kaplakriki... nice music and a lot of dancing - but I did not now a single person apart from my (rather large) group of friends!

Sunday was spent with friends, more coffee, more food, and a good movie in the evening (No Country for Old Men). What more could I have asked for?!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Nice walk in bad weather! I really need to get some new hiking shoes, I got wet to the bones in my old ones. Lots of plans tonight, lets see how the weather turns out!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Neighbours Forever!

My wonderful former neighbours from Vesturberg 142, Sigrún and Sigrún, came with flowers and bottles of wines to visit us in Hringbraut this evening. They met here (Rebekka) Sigrún who so enjoyed the visit but the other Rúna's Eyrún and Guðrún could not make it tonight.

We could not stop laughing and giggling - old tales were told, new gossip shared and some pranks played on unsuspected "just-eat" phone operators. Poor Atli whose real name turned out to be Gunnar!

Outside it was blowing a gale and lightnings could be seen afar. This did not faze us at all - it was just so good to be chatting and laughing together again! Just like old times!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...lalalalala

Just came in from digging the car out of the driveway! Great fun :)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Öskudagur - Ash Wednesday

A Barbie-girl and an Executioner left the house early this morning to go to Vesturbæjarskóli... fun!

I spent the morning at Sjálandsskóli helping kids make "öskupokar" and then distribute sweets to great singers ;)

Now my kids are on their way out to sing some more!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bolla, bolla, bolla!

I rest my case :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

At Least Three Things Accomplished Today...

1. Climbed Mt Esja with friends
2. Went to "Afakaffi" to meet the clan (fab to see everyone!)
3. Bought a new gas cylinder as the other one finished as I just started cooking dinner....

Enough activities for one day!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A Nice Day

I took Sandra to Engilsh School early this morning and Rebekka to work at Kringlan. Sandra cooked us a lovely lunch of Sop Mie and then we went to visit Emma and Albert. From Emma and Albert we went to Bjössi's house for a dinner of fresh fish! Lovely! Another nice day ahead of us!!!

More Astrology!

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz


My house filled up last night with unexpected visitors - friends from different times in my life seemed to have decided it was time to visit us, and it was absolutely fabulous to have you all!

Eiríkur and Sandra were especially happy to see Askur, Breki and Ingi Þór to play with and I am grateful that Stefán decided to cook us all dinner :) A fun evening!