Busy as always!
Same old story - busy, busy and busy!!!!
Yesterday we had BINGO at Vesturbæjarskóli - great fun and Sandra and I won two tickets to the cinema :)
Today I had a busy (and great day!) at work. I think these kids at the International School are adorable!
I then came home to make pancakes for Sandra, Eiríkur and their friends... Endless pancakes were baked but the kids never seemed to get enough. I must get a second pancakepan!
Then I took Sandra to ballet and Eiríkur and Alex to the movies - and me and Birta enjoed a good walk at Öskjuhlíð in the dark!!!
Then I picked up Sandra, did some shopping, put some food on the table and went to pick up the boys and take Alex home...
Kids did homework - then I read to Sandra (we are reading my old books about "Emma" ("Gemma") by Noel Stratfield I got as Christmas presents as a kid!
And now on to my schoolwork :)
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