Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another bird in my living room...

Isn't this funny :o) We just found another bird in the house. I don't know what it is about the birds in my garden but they have decided that they want to live inside the house and not outside. This time it was a fat and happy starling sitting on my windowsill in the living room. Sandra and I played pet rescue - got him to sit on the end of the broom like a branch and slowly moved him to an open window. At first he did not like this and did a bit of flying around but in the end let me transport him to his final destination. We then watched him find tidbits to eat on the grass underneath the window before flying off to join his other friends. Bye bye birdie!

And the funniest thing is that my cat would not be able to catch a bird even if it flew into her open mounth! Pathetic tries to hunt it down ended with the cat falling flat on her face and all my stuff being thrown off the counters!


At 21 March, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that how cats become persian?


At 21 March, 2006, Blogger Elín Eiríksdóttir said...

Hehe já og ef hún heldur loftfimleikuum áfram með tilheyrandi afleiðingum þá breytist hún í svona "flatface" :o) Voða krúttleg!


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