Eiríkur's birthday!
Eiríkur celebrated his birthday yesterday - 13 on the 13th :)
We had deceded to go out of town with a group of friends so the birthday weekend was spent in a summerhouse near Laugarvatn. We had a super weekend, lots of walks, games, nice food, jacuzzi moments and of course a birthday party! The main surprise was all the snow we had on Sunday when we needed to rush back to town so Sandra join her last practice for her big ballet moment! It also snowed the day Eiríkur was born so in a way it was appropriate!
When we came back on Sunday the party moment continued at Vesturberg with the family. Eiríkur got his favorit food and a chocolate cake for desert and great presents.
Thank you everyone for making this weekend so memorable for all of us!
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